Benefits of Fruits

The benefits of figs for the stomach

Figs are one of the oldest types of fruits known to man, and its original homeland dates back to Turkey and northern India, but now the United States, Turkey, Greece, and Spain are the main producers of dried types of it, and the fresh fig fruit can be obtained between July and September, while dried figs can be obtained throughout the year.

The benefits of figs for the stomach

A person with a stomach upset can eat a whole fig a couple of times a day, or boil one or two tablespoons of fig leaves and drink them, figs also have many health benefits, including their benefits for the stomach, because they contain substances that can treat constipation, facilitate healthy bowel movements, and figs may help relieve indigestion.

In addition to eating dried fruit, such as dried figsDrinking good amounts of water may help rid the intestines of waste, due to its richness in fiber, but you should avoid eating figs for those who suffer from diarrhea, and it is worth noting that eating large amounts of processed foods, high-fat foods, and not getting enough fluids, and fiber can lead to constipation.

The benefits of figs in general

The following points illustrate some of the general benefits of figs :

  • Helping to regulate diabetes symptoms : the benefits of figs for diabetics are not limited to fruits only but also include the leaves of this tree, as indicated by evidence and studies, including a study held in 2016 on mice, and it was found that fig leaf extract improved insulin resistance, and this extract also had some anti-diabetic properties, and in another study held on animals in 2003, it was found that fig extract had contributed to the treatment of diabetes by Restore levels of vitamin E and fatty acids in the blood to their normal level.
  • Contribute to weight loss : figs contain a good source of fiber, which helps to lose weight, so people who suffer from obesity are advised to eat it, but in specific amounts.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels : this is due to the pectin content of figs, which is responsible for excreting cholesterol from the body, and also helps improve bowel movements.
  • Contribute to maintaining hair health : it is believed that fig fruits moisturize, strengthen, and promote hair growth, so it is used in many hair care products because figs contain many vitamins and minerals that may help maintain hair health, most notably zinc, copper, and magnesium.
  • Having a high nutritional value : figs are considered a fruit low in calories and fats and contain good amounts of calcium, so it is one of the best plant sources of calcium, one cup of it provides approximately 180 milligrams of calcium, in addition to its content of many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. Figs also have antioxidant effects on the human body after consumption.
  • Contribute to the treatment of the skin : although studies in this area are not enough, some folk remedies include the use of figs in the treatment of some skin conditions, such as eczema, vitiligo, and psoriasis, and the richness of figs in antioxidants is a reason for making it suitable for use as a mask for the skin, but it is worth noting that putting skin on fig leaves may be associated with increased sensitivity In the skin when exposed to the sun, so it is recommended not to be exposed for a long time to the sun, and to use a sunscreen when exposing the skin to the leaves of this fruit.

Nutritional value of figs

The table below shows the content of a medium fig, equivalent to 50 grams of nutrients :

Nutritional elementNutritional value
Water39.55 milliliters
Calories37 Calories
Protein0.38 g
Fats0.15 g
Carbohydrates9.59 grams
Fiber1.4 g
Calcium18 milligrams
Iron0.18 milligrams
Magnesium8 milligrams
Phosphorus7 milligrams
Potassium116 milligrams
Zinc0.07 milligrams
Vitamin A71 IU
Vitamin C1 milligrams
Vitamin K2.4 mcg
Vitamin E0.06 milligrams

Possible harms of figs

Most people can eat figs without any complications, but in some rare cases eating them may pose some side effects, including the following :

  • Allergies : where figs belong to the mulberry family (English : Moraceae), which causes allergies in some people, and people who suffer from allergies to one of the types of this family, such as Jackfruit, and Indian quince (English : Sugar-apple) may also suffer from an allergy to figs, and in a study showing that people with latex allergy may be allergic to figs as well.
  • The possibility of reducing blood sugar : as figs may lower the level of sugar in the blood, it is recommended to check the level of sugar in diabetics if ingested, but for people who plan to have surgery, they must stop consuming figs for at least two weeks before the date of the operation, to avoid any disorder in the level of blood sugar during or after the operation.
  • Drug interactions : figs contain a high amount of vitamin K, which is considered a natural clotting, so be careful when taking it by people taking anticoagulant drugs, in order to ensure that the recommended daily amount of vitamin K is not exceeded.

Read also : The benefits of green apple juice

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