Tea and Coffee

The benefits of coffee with milk

Is it beneficial to drink coffee with milk ?

Coffee is a good source of antioxidants that may help reduce cell damage, and some research has found that milk and dairy products can inhibit the action of certain antioxidants in certain types of food or beverages, including coffee, but it is worth noting that studies have differed on the effect of adding milk to coffee on its antioxidant content.

As some of them showed that this effect may occur due to a type of protein in milk, which is called casein, as it binds with antioxidants, and reduces its effectiveness in reducing free radicals, and the amount of antioxidants can decrease with the addition of milk to coffee of various kinds, the greater the amount of milk added, the less antioxidant content of coffee.

A study published in the journal Food Chemistry in 2012 indicated that a group of antioxidants available in coffee were significantly reduced when milk was added to coffee, including caffeine, phenols, and chlorogenic acid.

On the other hand, although most studies have indicated that milk reduces the number of antioxidants, many other studies have found that this effect is to a certain extent. For example, these studies indicated that adding milk reduces the number of antioxidants in drinks and foods by only 30% and that 70% of those antioxidants are not affected.

In addition to a study published in the International Journal of Food Science & Technology in 2006, which indicated that milk reduces the amount of antioxidants by 30% when added to cocoa products.

Although research has shown about the role of milk in reducing some antioxidants in foods, it probably does not suppress all antioxidants, and there is no evidence of its role in reducing the overall health benefits of those foods or drinks, including coffee.

It is worth noting that milk is one of the additives that may lead to an increase in calories consumed; coffee usually contains a lot of sugar, cream, and flavored drink (English : Flavored syrup), making one cup of it contain more calories than a regular cup of coffee.

An overview of coffee and its overall benefits

Coffee belongs to a genus of plants known as the coffee plant (scientific name : Coffea), which grows to a length of more than 9 meters, and is covered with waxy green leaves, and coffee beans grow along the branches and in a continuous cycle, Robusta coffee is one of the most important types of coffee.

It is worth noting that coffee contains more than 1000 compounds, that can affect the body, and the most important of these compounds is caffeine, polyphenols, caffeine is the most common compound in coffee, as one cup of coffee provides 95 milligrams of caffeine, which has a role in activating the nervous system, by increasing energy levels, and reducing the feeling of fatigue, Coffee also contains a range of nutrients, including vitamin B2, vitamin B3, magnesium, potassium, and other elements that benefit the human body in various ways.

Coffee Safety Grade

Drinking coffee in moderate quantities is often safe, with no more than 4 cups a day, and on the other hand, it is possible to consume non-caffeinated coffee in quantities exceeding 4 cups and for long periods.

It is likely safe to consume non-caffeinated coffee by pregnant or breastfeeding women, in quantities not exceeding 3 cups per day, which provides approximately 300 milligrams of caffeine, while it is likely that it is not safe to consume it in large quantities during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Precautions for using coffee

There are some cases in which caution should be exercised when consuming coffee, including the following :

  • Diarrhea : the caffeine in coffee can worsen diarrhea, especially when consumed in large quantities.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome : caffeinated coffee may cause increased symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, especially when consumed in large quantities.
  • High blood pressure : decaffeinated coffee may affect blood pressure and cause it to rise in people with high blood pressure, but this effect can be lower in people who drink coffee frequently.
  • Heart disease : drinking unfiltered coffee may increase cholesterol and other fat levels in the blood, as well as homocysteine levels, increasing the risk of heart disease.

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