Nutritional Information

The benefits of cocoa drink

It’s content of useful nutrients

Cocoa is one of the richest foods in polyphenols, which are antioxidant compounds that are naturally available in some foods, and these compounds are associated with many health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels, but it is worth noting here that heating cocoa may cause the loss of these beneficial compounds. 

Insufficient evidence of its effectiveness

Aid in weight loss

Studies differed on the effect of drinking cocoa on weight loss, some indicated that cocoa may help to lose weight, while other studies did not recommend this effect, we will mention the following examples :

  • The study found the effect of cocoa on weight loss : a small, preliminary study published in Revista Mexicana de CardiologĂ­a in 2015, involving 15 overweight participants, indicated that taking a four-week supplement of the flavonoids found in cocoa improved body measurements and reduced risk factors for heart problems.
  • Study found no effect of cocoa on weight loss : some research has found that drinking a sugar-free cocoa drink daily for 18 weeks, with a low-calorie diet, and eating two squares of dark chocolate a day, does not increase the rate of weight loss in overweight or obese individuals.

Relief from peripheral artery disease symptoms

Narrowing of blood vessels leads to poor blood flow to the extremities in Peripheral artery disease, and the preliminary results of a 2020 study published in the journal Circulation Research, which included 118 people with peripheral artery disease, indicated that cocoa helped improve walking performance in participants, but more studies are needed to confirm this effect.

Nutritional value of cocoa drink

The following table shows the nutrients available in 100 grams of cocoa drink :

Nutritional elementNutritional value
Calories55 Calories
Water 86.34 milliliters
Protein 0.92 g
Total Fat 0.55 g
Carbohydrates 11.54 grams
Fiber 0.5 g
drunkenness 9.03 grams
Calcium21 milligrams
Iron 0.17 milligrams
Magnesium 12 milligrams
Phosphorus 43 milligrams
Potassium 99 milligrams
Sodium 73 milligrams
Zinc 0.21 milligrams
Copper 0.048 milligrams
Manganese0.037 milligrams
Selenium 0.7 mcg
Fluoride 61.4 mcg
Vitamin B10.013 milligrams
Vitamin B2 0.078 milligrams
Vitamin B3 0.081 milligrams
Vitamin B50.123 milligrams
Vitamin B6 0.016 milligrams
Folate 1 mcg
Choline 4.6 milligrams
Vitamin B12 0.05 mcg
Vitamin E 0.03 milligrams
Vitamin K 0.1 mcg
Caffeine 2 milligrams

The harm of cocoa drink

Cocoa safety degree

Eating cocoa is often safe for most people, but it should be noted that cocoa contains caffeine, so excessive consumption may cause some side effects associated with caffeine consumption, including rapid heartbeat, insomnia, increased urination, and nervousness, in addition to that eating cocoa may cause some allergic reactions to the skin and some digestive disorders including nausea, intestinal discomfort, and gas. 

It is possible that it is safe to eat cocoa during pregnancy and lactation, provided that it is in moderate quantities, but it is possible that it is not safe to eat it in large quantities during pregnancy, because it contains caffeine, which reaches the placenta, and it is worth paying attention when eating caffeine during the breastfeeding period, as it is believed that its concentration in breast milk, is about half its concentration in her blood, and if the mother eats a lot of chocolate, or the equivalent of 16 small pieces weighing 28 grams per day, the infant may become He is irritable, and may experience a bowel movement disorder due to caffeine.

Precautions for eating cocoa

Caution is recommended when consuming cocoa in the following cases :

  • Anxiety sufferers : consuming the caffeine in cocoa may worsen anxiety disorders when consumed in large quantities.
  • People with bleeding disorders : cocoa can slow blood clotting, and consuming too much of it may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising in people with bleeding disorders.
  • People with heart disease : the caffeine in cocoa may cause irregular heartbeat in some people, so cocoa and its products should be used with caution for people with heart disease or irregular beats.
  • Those with digestive problems : the caffeine in cocoa can exacerbate cases of diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, especially when consumed in large quantities, in addition, eating cocoa may worsen the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease for people with this problem, and cocoa may hinder the effectiveness of the valve in the esophagus, which prevents the contents of the stomach from returning to the airway or tube Food.
  • Diabetics : cocoa can increase blood sugar levels, which may interfere with sugar control in people with diabetes.
  • People with glaucoma : the caffeine in cocoa increases pressure in the eye, so it should be consumed with caution in people with glaucoma in the eye.
  • Migraines : cocoa may stimulate migraines in some people.
  • People with osteoporosis : the caffeine in cocoa may increase the amount of calcium excreted in the urine, so it should be consumed with caution for people with osteoporosis.
  • Upcoming surgery : cocoa may interfere with controlling blood sugar levels during and after surgery, so you should stop taking it at least two weeks before surgery.
  • People with high blood pressure : the caffeine in cocoa may increase blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, and on the other hand, it may not cause a significant increase in pressure, for people who are used to consuming too much caffeine.

Drug interactions with cocoa

The following are the types of drugs that cocoa may interfere with :

  • Adenosine.
  • Clozapine.
  • Dipyridamole.
  • Ergotamine.
  • Estrogen.
  • Lithium treatments.
  • Some asthma medications, such as beta-adrenergic agonists.
  • Some depression medications : such as phenelzine, tranylcypromine and others.
  • Diabetes medications : such as Glimepiride, insulin, and others.
  • Pentobarbital.
  • Theophylline.
  • Pills.
  • Some antibiotics.
  • Cimetidine.
  • Disulfiram.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Mexiletine.
  • Verpamil.
  • Terbinafine.
  • Stimulant drugs such as amphibramon (English : Diethylpropion), pseudoephedrine, adrenaline and others.
  • Pentobarbital.
  • Blood pressure-lowering drugs : such as Captopril, Enalapril, and others.
  • ACE inhibitors, such as Benazepril, Fosinopril, and others.
  • Fluvoxamine.
  • Ephedrine.

Read also : The harm of sodium bicarbonate

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