The Kidney Health Benefits of Parsley Decoction
Parsley decoction, a caffeine-free herbal tea made from parsley leaves, has been the subject of several studies exploring its potential role in reducing the risk of kidney stone formation. Kidney stones are solid mineral deposits that form in the kidneys, often causing intense pain in the back, sides, and stomach. While some animal studies have shown promising results regarding parsley’s positive effects, there is no conclusive research confirming these benefits in humans.
For example, a laboratory study published in the American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology in 2017 indicated that the consumption of parsley decoction in male mice led to an increase in urine volume and pH, in addition to reducing the excretion of calcium in the urine, and thus it is possible to reduce the risk of kidney stones.
Another laboratory study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2002 showed that male rats’ consumption of parsley seed extract decoction increased diuresis, so parsley can be a natural diuretic.
Despite the previous results, studies on the effect of parsley decoction in humans are still limited, as some researchers indicated in a study published in the Saudi Journal of Kidney Disease and Transplantation in 2011, that there was no noticeable difference in urine volume, urine pH, or levels of sodium, potassium, chloride, urea, or creatinine, phosphorus, magnesium, uric acid, cysteine, or citric acid as a result of parsley consumption, so more studies are still needed on this effect.
It should be emphasized that parsley decoction is not an alternative solution to the treatment plan followed for kidney patients, so a kidney patient should consult a doctor before eating parsley or other folk remedies, as it contains chemicals that can worsen the condition of kidney disease and become worse.
The benefits of parsley for the urinary tract
Parsley tea is one of the good home remedies that help relieve urinary tract infections, as this is due to its natural diuretic properties, in addition to the possibility of helping to reduce infectious organisms inside the bladder, by accelerating the healing process of this infection accompanied by several symptoms, such as feeling bitten, and burning pain during urination.
In confirmation of this, one study published in the International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences in 2018 indicated that the consumption of parsley tea by patients with urinary tract infection significantly reduced the urge to urinate (English: Urinary urgency), dysuria, and the frequency of pain above the pubic area, in addition to a significant decrease in urine test results in terms of pH, red blood cells, and purulent uria, i.e. urine that contains on pus, but more studies are still needed to confirm this effect.
How to boil parsley for kidneys
Parsley decoction can be prepared by cleaning a large bouquet of parsley well, soaked in an equal mixture of water and vinegar, and then washed well with water, then add parsley to eight cups of boiling water and soak for ten minutes, then drain the parsley, and keep the filtered water in the refrigerator.
The harm of parsley on the kidneys
Parsley safety grade
Parsley is often safe for most people when consumed in quantities found in food, and it is likely safe to consume it in pharmaceutical doses for a short period for most adults, but it is worth noting that its consumption may cause allergic reactions to the skin in some people.
Precautions for the use of parsley
As mentioned earlier, kidney patients should avoid consuming parsley, as it contains a number of chemical compounds that may make the disease worse condition.
Pharmacological interactions for parsley
You should consult a doctor before consuming parsley because of the possibility of its conflict with some medicines, as it has an effect similar to the effect of diuretic drugs, and therefore the consumption of parsley in addition to these drugs causes the body to lose large amounts of water, which leads to a feeling of dizziness, low blood pressure, and diuretic drugs that may conflict with parsley are the following :
- Chlorothiazide.
- Chlorthalidone.
- Furosemide.
- Hydrochlorothiazide.
Parsley Overview
Parsley is one of the herbaceous annual plants that are available all year round, and its origin dates back to the Mediterranean region, it is grown all over the world at present, and parsley is characterized by its standing stem and bright green leaves, and it is available in several forms, such as tea and nutritional supplements, and it is worth noting that it is believed that parsley leaves, roots and seeds may contribute to alleviating many health conditions.
Parsley is available in several types, such as curly parsley (English : Petroselinum crispum), flat parsley (English : Petroselinum neapolitanum), or Italian parsley.
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