Benefits of Honey

How to take honey

Honey is known as a sweet liquid, made by bees using the nectar of flowering plants, as 320 types of honey differ in taste, color, and smell, such as shamrock honey, eucalyptus honey, orange blossom honey, avocado honey, and others. It also consists of several nutrients, such as sugars, in addition to a mixture of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, and it is worth noting that honey has properties that make it used medically to treat many conditions, in addition to that it is used as a natural sweetener added to various foods and drinks, and honey is a healthy alternative to table sugar, especially for people with diabetes, and it should be noted that honey is kept in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

How to take honey

Honey has many ways to use in cooking, as it is considered a natural sweetener used to sweeten tea and coffee, and it can also be placed on pies, toast, and pancakes, in addition to mixing with salad dressing, yogurt, breakfast cereals, oats, fruits, and other recipes, and it should be noted that according to the National Honey Council, the ways to know the taste of honey before consuming it should be by placing half a teaspoon of it on the tongue, and then inhaling its smell, and then making it melt on the front The tongue until it spreads around it to enhance its taste.

The benefits of honey

Honey has many health benefits for the body, as they are mentioned as follows :

  • Promotes wound healing : studies have indicated that the consumption of Manuka honey can speed up the healing time of wounds, and reduce their infection, and it was found that this honey protects against germs, and helps to renew tissues, and should be noted that honey that is used in hospitals is examined and sterilized to become suitable for medical use, and it is not good to use store honey to treat wounds.
  • Relieves sore throat : where honey was used in the foot as a treatment for sore throat, and to relieve cough, as research indicates that it is as effective as dextromethorphan, a common drug used against cough, so it is recommended to take a spoonful or two tablespoons of honey directly, or add it to lemon drink and hot tea when suffering from a cold.
  • Contains antioxidants : raw honey is a good food source with antioxidants, which are compounds that protect the body from damage to its cells due to free radicals, as these roots are associated with the aging process and the development of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
  • Helps protect against neurological diseases : studies have indicated that honey can provide antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and anti-epileptic benefits, and some studies have found that honey helps prevent memory disorders.
  • Relieves gastrointestinal diseases : evidence suggests that honey can relieve gastrointestinal conditions, such as diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis, and can also be effective as oral rehydration therapy.
  • Prevents GERD : recent research has shown that honey may reduce the reflux of acids and undigested food in the stomach towards the esophagus, and it should be noted that gastroesophageal reflux disease can cause inflammation and heartburn.
  • Enhances the performance of athletes : honey consists of a mixture of glucose and fructose sugar, as it absorbs glucose quickly, which gives energy immediately, while fructose sugar needs more time to absorb, which makes it continue to provide energy to the body, and it is worth noting that this mixture helps regulate blood sugar, as it is a suitable food for athletes, especially before exercise, because it enhances the level of athletic performance, and reduces muscle fatigue, also increases antibodies, and fights inflammation.
  • Relieves irritation of mosquito bite : honey can help reduce irritation and itching of a mosquito bite, by putting a little raw honey on the bite, as honey’s antimicrobial properties help prevent bite contamination and transmission.
  • Helps to lose weight : because it contains minerals essential to regulate metabolism, in addition to containing 22 amino acids, and it can also be added to lemon juice or cinnamon for effective weight loss, and honey can help digestion, especially for people who eat a lot of food, meaning that they suffer from binge eating disorder.
  • It benefits the skin and hair : honey contains a high percentage of sugar, and therefore it does not spoil quickly, it is characterized by its density of more than water by 50%, in addition to having the osmotic property that makes it antibacterial, and it is worth noting that it is used in several cosmetic products, such as lip ointment, skin creams, shower gel, and shampoo.

Nutritional value of honey

The following table shows the content of a teaspoon of honey, equivalent to 21 grams of various nutrients :

Nutritional elementNutritional value
Water 3.59 milliliters
Calories 64 Calories
Carbohydrates17.30 grams
Fiber 0.00 g
Sugars 17.25 grams
Protein 0.06 g
Total Fat 0.00 g
Calcium 1 milligram
Iron 0.09 milligrams
Phosphorus 1 milligram
Potassium 11 milligrams
Sodium 1 milligram
Zinc 0.05 milligrams
Vitamin C 0.1 milligrams
Vitamin B3 0.025 milligrams
Vitamin B2 0.008 milligrams
Vitamin B6 0.025 milligrams

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